Good grief, no wonder no one wants to dine with me.
MAN there is a lot to rant about these days. But, sometimes it's good to just take a breaaaath. I think it's time to offer a nice appreciative "Namaste" to the lovely little life we've created for ourselves here.
John's been gone for three weeks and thankfully returns tomorrow evening, as I was starting to speak cat. Gunner's a faithful companion and all, but I think I'm starting to get on his nerves. John's return gives me a reason to do the dishes, and really, they need to be done.
Met lots of good new friends this week, some just arrived on island, some just about to leave. Went to the Kadena wine festival last night and talked extensively with someone who happens to know a lot about grass-fed cows and the perils of ethanol, which is, interestingly enough, what I'm reading about right now. Then we went off to the Kadena Officer's Club where I took tons of video footage of men in onsies (pilots) dancing the electric slide (although the kids today call it the Cuban Shuffle). Really, it's like Saturday Night Fever, disco balls and all. Even got out in the dance floor a bit myself, and managed to keep from falling off the stage like I did last week. Home at a reasonable hour, listened to the storm all night. What an island.
Tonight I joined some new friends at their lovely beach-front home, watched the sunset from their porch and ate delicious food and enjoyed sparkling conversation. People in the military can be one-dimensional if that's all you think they are. Or they can be witty and hilarious and generous and remind you of your best friends from home if you just open yourselves up to them. Guess that's true of most situations.
John gets back tomorrow and Gunner and I are beside ourselves. Classes start on Tuesday and although I only got about a book and a half of "pleasure" reading done in the interim, I'm happy to be back on heavy diet of dense political reading. Yep, I'm a big geek. Give me a highlighter and a deadline and I'm happy as a clam. Oh, I'll rant the whole semester. But inside, I'm beaming.