Monday, January 7, 2008


When I moved to Hanover, New Hampshire, my junior year of college, I gained about 20 lbs in three months. There is something about being in a new place that cultivates the hunger in me...I like to explore with my palette.

Accordingly, we have been eating out...a lot. Meals in Okinawa are generally "family-style" and individual dishes run about 500 yen - about $5, so it's not a bad deal to eat out once a day. Except for my waistline. So, I started cooking. Or, more precisely, UN-cooking.

As a devotee of Raw cuisine, ever since Camilla worked for that crazy nameless raw food chef in Santa Monica, I love to create raw dishes. I found a great website of a raw food chef named Ani Phyo:
She has a DVD, and you can even see her prepare some recipes online.

This is a pic of my version of her apple pie recipe, which I've been eating all day - uncooked, vegan, delicious. Here's the link to the video on how to prepare it:

(Nikki, I know you feel the need to post something degrading to vegetarians - please resist if you possibly can)


Brendan said...

Who would want to degrade vegetarians!?
That apple pie looks mighty good, I think we'll have to find her uncookbook
Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

Sorry, but there is absolutely no way that thing tastes good sans butter. You're out of your mind. Viva la ANIMAL fat. I mean, you were seriously baiting me in this post.