Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Update

Hi there, it's your delinquent sister/daughter/long-lost friend. Happily, I'm becoming involved in many new projects of late, but unhappily, I've been neglecting the Sumeba Miyako. For my own personal reasons, not blogging because I'm too busy is better than posting everyday how much I miss Pinkberry, the Santa Monica Farmer's Market, and sitting in traffic on the 405. So, sorry for being neglectful, but I hope you understand.

I've been writing a little column over at OkinawaHai, an online magazine for Americans living in Okinawa. I post on Saturdays with an emphasis on traveling, but sometimes I take (hopefully interesting) detours into the topics of health, exercise, and cool stuff to do on our own little island. Check it out if you get the chance.

I started a fitness program up at the gym called "Extreme Fitness Challenge" which is contorting my body into a sore mass of slowly expanding muscle. We do all sorts of bootcamp-esque challenges, liked timed push-ups, sit-ups and 3 mile runs. We meet for an hour a day, 5 days a week, for 8 weeks. I plan to turn 30 this summer looking like I just turned 20.

Mortechai's passing was sad, but after 3 days of mourning we replaced him with an even feistier beta fighting fish. John has named him Deuce Fishalow, Fish Gigolow. But we call him Pagoda for short.

John and I are headed up to the track to do a little work out and then we're going kayaking this afternoon. Here are some recent photos of our adventures!

This $60 piece of fruit is called smells like moldy garlic and tastes like garliky-passion fruit. Despite that riveting endorsement, I thought it was pretty good.

1 comment:

aviva5271 said...

nice butterfly shot, Jen. I tagged you. Check out my blog.